The Piñero hallmark/

Our way of doing things necessarily means dedication to people and absolute respect for their environment. As the great big family that we are, we aim to leave a wonderful legacy so that the way we do things and approach business gradually sets the standard across the board.


Together with one shared objective: to be happy and to make people happy.


Employees, members

We have one key objective: for all employees to be able to grow professionally and personally at the group. Which is why we develop training plans, support their and even-handed treatment, and create healthy and safe working conditions.


We establish direct relationships of trust, affection and respect with them so that everyone benefits, based on ethics and growing together.


Our raison d'être, the heart of our business and what we do, working day by day to give them joyful and meaningful experiences.

Local Community

We work with the communities where we operate, supporting their culture and playing a part in their economic development.

Our home, the world around us to be cherished.

We are committed to improving the management of energy resources, water and waste, while also playing an active role in preserving the wealth of biodiversity at all the destinations where we operate through our different companies.


The Eco-Bahia Ecological Foundation works in partnership with the Flora, Fauna and Culture of Mexico agency to undertake protection and conservation initiatives.

Healthy company
Energy saving
Carbon footprint
Recyclable waste
Healthy company
Healthy company
Healthy company
We know that if we want to set the standard we have to go the extra mile. Which is why we have combined our CSR strategy with the company's business strategy, since neither makes sense without the other.

And so our economic objectives will go hand-in-hand with social and environmental goals, striking a balance between profitability and continued growth, and sustainability.

How do we make this possible? Through the following mechanisms:
Our sustainability policies
Our internal commitments (2019-2021)
  • Working through ethics, transparency and sound corporate governance
  • Ensure quality of life at work
  • Generate value for the communities where we operate
  • Innovate through our products and services
  • Improve internal and external communication
External commitments
  • United Nations Global Compact
  • ECPAT Code
Annual programmes, setting objectives and actions to be developed year on year.
Monitoring and evaluation strategy
Sound internal structure
  • CSR Management Council
  • CSR Area at the corporate level
  • CSR managers at each business unit
  • As well as Sustainability Committees for each business unit
Code of ethics
Sustainability Report
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